The Holy Mass According to the Dominican Rite (Missale S.O.P.):
Missale S.O.P. (Altar Missal) , 1939
Ordinary of the Mass and Requiem Mass with Gregorian Notation (According to the Dominican Rite), 1910
Graduale S.O.P., 1950
The Divine Office According to the Dominican Rite:
Breviarium S.O.P., 1962, Pars Prior (Volume One)
Breviarium S.O.P., 1962, Pars Altera (Volume Two)
Completorii Libellus Juxta Ritum S. Ordinis Praedicatorum, 1949
Proprium Officiorum Ordinis Praedicatorum for the Liturgia Horarum, 1982
Training Manuals for Dominican Clergy:
Training Guide for the Priest’s Rubrics for the Low Mass and Missa Cantata of the Dominican Rite, 2010
Rubrical Pamphlet Series of the Dominican Rite, 1907
Training Manuals for Altar Servers:
Altar Server’s Card for a Low Mass According to the Dominican Rite
Dominican Altar Boys’ Manual
For the Laity:
The Saint Dominic Missal, 1959 (Dominican Rite Hand Missal)
Dialogue Mass (for Colleges and Schools) According to the Dominican Rite