Find your nearest public Mass according to the Dominican Rite:
This website is created under the auspices of the O.P. Prayer Apostolate, founded in August of 2021.
The purpose of this website is to serve as an archive of information and resources regarding the Dominican Rite and Dominican Liturgical Theology, with the purpose of preserving knowledge of the Dominican Rite, Dominican Liturgical Theology, to assist Priests of the Order of Preachers in offering the Mass and praying the Breviary, according to the Dominican Rite, and to assist the laity in finding the nearest public recitation of the Dominican Rite near their location.
The “Dominican Rite” website will continually updated with additional texts. If you see a document missing, which you think should be included on this website, please send an email to
2023 © The O.P. Prayer Apostolate